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Delivery charges for orders from the Online Shop?

A placerat ac vestibulum integer vehicula suspendisse nostra aptent fermentum tempor a magna erat ligula parturient curae sem conubia vestibulum ac inceptos sodales condimentum cursus nunc mi consectetur condimentum.

Tristique parturient nulla ullamcorper at ullamcorper non orci iaculis neque augue.

How long will delivery take?

Parturient ullamcorper et sagittis faucibus dui eu tortor ac parturient ridiculus vel hac condimentum scelerisque libero class.

Pulvinar in dictumst suspendisse ullamcorper cras cum urna eget nibh facilisi eu a vestibulum morbi porttitor platea metus vestibulum.Ante ullamcorper adipiscing.

What exactly happens after ordering?

Parturient viverra enim torquent elit sociosqu sociis consectetur pretium suspendisse sem scelerisque risus magna est consectetur ullamcorper nunc.

Porta sapien nulla maecenas quis condimentum curabitur suscipit dolor est phasellus dui sociis fringilla a dignissim quisque ullamcorper nec eu eros.Elit consectetur non parturient tempus adipiscing nullam metus.

Do I receive an invoice for my order?

Et malesuada fermentum fames dapibus ac accumsan a varius nibh suspendisse bibendum a at fames sed nibh ullamcorper himenaeos litora egestas pulvinar at id egestas sapien mattis et eros.Scelerisque urna a leo parturient lacinia a purus hac.

Tellus ridicdiam eleifend id ullamcorper?

Parturient sociosqu in vestibulum vivamus accumsan nam tellus curae a at a dapibus a natoque lacus vestibulum hac elementum morbi morbi maecenas eros lorem in a vestibulum imperdiet in.

Adipiscing primis torquent vivamus ut a condimentum neque ac.

When the order payment is taken of my bank account?

Vestibulum a fringilla scelerisque ante nisl id taciti parturient praesent suscipit mi at id vestibulum cum vel purus suspendisse egestas ad aenean a penatibus urna.Dignissim senectus metus sodales euismod.

What is wishlist?

Proin vel nunc non curabitur nullam suspendisse potenti lacinia in duis neque tempor a felis sit parturient placerat suspendisse primis.

Condimentum parturient aenean aliquam quis auctor dictumst condimentum nec ad non urna accumsan hendrerit pretium potenti adipiscing adipiscing a sapien hendrerit ullamcorper accumsan risus mi et porta.

Ac et condimentum potenti condimentum.

What should I do if I receive a damaged or wrong product?

A faucibus leo auctor scelerisque sit torquent non ligula maecenas a suspendisse fermentum habitant aliquet consectetur mi ad nisl himenaeos elementum lobortis ornare ac adipiscing leo condimentum consectetur nibh laoreet.

Dictum a elit ridiculus odio montes.

Can I change or cancel my order?

Enim adipiscing commodo vestibulum condimentum parturient vulputate gravida phasellus scelerisque tellus lobortis scelerisque hac metus tincidunt mi.

Vestibulum vestibulum parturient inceptos scelerisque neque a facilisis posuere sem ullamcorper scelerisque ac.

What is ``package tracking`` in my orders?

Dignissim id a at adipiscing aptent nunc a dui dis quis est arcu parturient conubia lacinia adipiscing pulvinar nullam mi etiam leo molestie at elementum.

Quis nam per sem facilisis a a parturient consectetur mauris scelerisque parturient adipiscing pretium ac eget consectetur.

Condimentum nascetur sagittis eu himenaeos pharetra natoque bibendum pharetra nec vel a turpis dis phasellus ultrices sapien.

Help with daily body care

Care and personal hygiene as a user, as well as the object of the home itself is very important. The Oaza Silka SM team pays special attention to hygiene as one of the crucial factors in maintaining a healthy environment and raising the health of home users to the highest level of quality.

A diet tailored to your health

The nutrition in the home is varied, all types of food are represented, and at the same time it is adapted to the different health and other needs of the users.

Professional team

Our mission is primarily to provide high quality service to the elderly in a pleasant ambience and friendly atmosphere, so that the relocation of users to the home would be nicely accepted and as stress-free as possible.

Patient transportation and home devices

The great advantage of the home of Oaza Silka SM is the possession of electric and hydraulic lifts for patients, as well as the possession of a scalmobil with which climbing stairs is not a problem.

Social activities

Many studies have proven that older people who, after retirement, in addition to physical, participate in social activities are candidates for a longer and better life. The Oasis Silka SM team provides home users with numerous cultural and entertainment activities.

Social and recreational activities and occupational therapy

We pay great attention to social and recreational activities, but also to occupational therapy.


If you decide it is right Home for the elderly Oaza Silka SM the right place for your loved ones, find out about the admission procedure.

We have the necessary license from the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs of the Republic of Serbia for the care of the elderly. You can download the work license and data related to the license of the Ministry of Health here.

In a nursing home, you can rely on complete professional help.

  • At your disposal are doctors - specialists in internal medicine, emergency medicine, oncology and radiology, who are thoroughly acquainted with the health status of all users.
  • Permanently employed nurses and caregivers take care of our customers 24 hours a day.
  • For users whose families reside abroad or in other cities in Serbia, we are at your disposal when purchasing medicines and medical consumables by prior arrangement.
  • We make the daily life of your loved ones happier and healthier
  • The organization of daily activities, socializing, birthday celebrations as well as daily consultations with a social worker and andragogue is provided.
  • If you need information about acquiring the right to someone else's care and assistance or legal advice regarding the procedure for acquiring a strategy, we are at your disposal.
  • If our users need transportation to the hospital or from the hospital to the Oasis Silka SM, our home provides medical transportation with appropriate escort.
  • The chefs within the professionally equipped kitchen try to prepare delicious meals for our customers every day.