Prevoz pacijenata i uređaji u domu
o ceni smeštaja kao i informacija o tome šta sve imamo u našoj ponudi .
Home for the elderly Oaza Silka SM provides transportation to its users to the hospital, laboratory and beyond wherever the user needs.
The idea of the Oasis Silka SM Home for the Elderly is that the users live with people who love them, respect them and appreciate them, who are professionally educated and competent. The Home for the Elderly has the necessary license from the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veterans’ Affairs and Social Affairs of the Republic of Serbia for the care of the elderly. This improves the quality of life of home service users as well as the lives of their families.
The employed staff is pleased to be able to contribute to the quality of the stay of the users in the home for the elderly with their work, knowledge and experience on a daily basis.
Home for the elderly Oaza Silka SM offers accommodation in a pleasant and luxurious facility that is designed exclusively for this type of activity, the purpose of the home is to provide a pleasant and comfortable stay.
Our home for the elderly is recognizable by the fact that the elderly have the opportunity to choose accommodation according to their taste and preferences. You can visit our home every working day to get more detailed information about the price of accommodation and information about what we have in our offer and what is included in the basic price of accommodation and you can also find information about various other benefits that our nursing home provides.