It is important to us that we can respond to the needs of each user at any time.
Psychological help
Maximum support and help, because it is important to know that someone is taking care of you.
A special kind of help
The Oaze Silka SM professional team takes care of its users 24/7.
Condition assessment
Upon receipt of the request for accommodation in the home, an assessment of the current situation is made.
Limited mobility
We provide support to independent, semi-independent or completely dependent on the help of others, regardless of the disease.
Comfortable and warm ambience
Dom predstavlja savršen spoj jednostavnosti, modernih elemenata i naravno komfora.
Help with daily body care
Care and personal hygiene as a user, as well as the object of the home itself is very important.
A diet tailored to your health
The nutrition in the home is varied, all types of food are represented, and at the same time it is adapted to different health and other needs of the users.
Professional team
Our mission is primarily to provide high quality services to the elderly in a pleasant environment and friendly atmosphere.
Patient transportation and home appliances
The great advantage of the home of the Oasa Silka SM is the possession of electric and hydraulic patient lifts, as well as the possession of scalamobiles.
Social activities
The Oasis Silka SM team provides home users with numerous cultural and entertainment activities.
Social and recreational activities and occupational therapy
We pay great attention to social and recreational activities, but also to occupational therapy.